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"Situational Kazakh. The world of Kazakhs with Kanat Tasibekov"
"Situational Kazakh. The World of Kazakhs" is not just a book, it has become a real bestseller in the cultural life of Kazakhstan. With a total circulation of 50,000 copies, Tasibekov's unique self-help book of the Kazakh language took a well-deserved place in the top 100 books that influence the national consciousness of citizens of Kazakhstan according to the rating of the Internet portal "Expert Kazakhstan".

The other day, the author held a presentation meeting related to the publication of the book in English "Kazakh Language in Context: Unveiling the Essence of Kazakhs". The presentation was held at the National Library in Almaty for an English-speaking audience with an introduction to the unique world of the Kazakh language and traditions. The book reveals not only linguistic features, but also aspects of the Kazakh mentality, social hierarchy, traditions, superstitions, as well as the rules of good manners and etiquette.

This book is the result of many years of work by its author, Kanat Tasibekov's worldview and life experience. The author has repeatedly noted that he himself began to study the Kazakh language already in adulthood, but none of the existing methods helped him. Then he developed his own approach.

Born in Northern Kazakhstan, he went from a zooengineer to an intern and a doctoral degree at the University of Burgundy in France, and then decided to devote himself to the study and popularization of the Kazakh language. His unique self-help book has become not just a book, but a bridge connecting with the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people.

But "Situational Kazakh. The World of Kazakhs" is not only a book. It is a personal symbol of efforts to preserve and develop the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Thanks to the volunteer work of the author and the free clubs of the spoken Kazakh language "Mamile" created by him, now the culture and language of the Kazakhs is "moving" in 17 cities of Kazakhstan and two cities of Russia. The author plans to publish versions also in Chinese and Mongolian, as large Kazakh diasporas live there.

The popularizer of the state language also became the author of the idea and producer of the documentary "Ana tili" with the participation of Kazakh singer and composer Dimash Kudaibergen.

05 April, 2024
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