According to the results of the scientific expedition, about 40 ancient manuscripts were discovered
About 40 ancient manuscripts and rare books in Arabic, Persian, and Chagatai languages were handed over to the staff of the National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books during a scientific expedition to Zhambyl region.
Among the ancient books - the work of Sufi Allayar, who lived in the middle of the XVIII century, the manuscript of the life of the Prophets, written in verse form, several copies of the Holy Quran printed in Kazan, the book "Muhammadiyah" by the Turkish-Ottoman writer Muhammad Chelebi, published in Kazan in 1894, the work "Maulit", poems by Fuzuli, one of the fundamental works of the Hanafi school "Sharkh al-Vikaya", "Sharkh al-Kafiya li-Isfahandi" published in 1893, Ghazals in Persian by Khoja Hafiz Shirazi, the work of Muhammad Salah "Tarjama Mukhtasar al-Vikaya", published in Kazan in 1902, as well as books on Arabic grammar in the Chagatai language and the Muslim calendar.

In addition, the staff of the manuscript center was given a valuable chest covered with black leather, in which books were stored.
During the research expedition, scientists also visited the Zhambyl Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Sh. Ualikhanov, the Directorate for the Protection and Restoration of historical and Cultural Monuments, the Zhambyl Regional Museum of Local Lore, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Monuments of Ancient Taraz", the Rukhaniyat and Historical Studies Center named after Sherkhan Murtaza.
Copies of several valuable books were obtained from these institutions.