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“The Universe of Nomads” Ethnoaul to open at the 5th World Nomad Games in Astana
The World Nomad Games (WNG) will be held in the capital of Kazakhstan from September 8 to 14, 2024, under the tagline “Meeting in the Great Steppe”. About 4,000 athletes from over 100 countries will take part in the competition. It is expected that more than 100,000 tourists will attend the sport competitions and cultural events.

For the first time, the World Nomad Games were held in Cholpan-Ata city, Kyrgyzstan, which hosted them three times. (2014, 2016 and 2018 years)

The 4th World Nomad Games were held in 2022 in Iznik, Turkey. (3,000 athletes from 102 countries, 13 sports). 

This time, the organizers have not accidentally selected the month of September as a reference to the holiday, marking the end of migrating from the summer to the winter parking lot.

A journey of the caravan of people and animals with yurts as well as property traditionally ended at a new parking lot with rituals, games and competitions.

First of all, the countries, where the peoples and descents of the nomadic civilization live, usually take part in the nomad games. For the 5th World Games in Astana, the organizers decided to invite the teams from all over the world to participate in the 7-day competitions, including the countries that were not nomadic, both in sport arenas and cultural as well as scientific programs.

The main venue for the implementation of the Cultural Program of the World Nomad Games will be the Universe of Nomads Ethnoaul, which will be located on the territory of 10 hectares, adjacent to the Kazanat racetrack from the Southwestern side. Also, as part of the cultural program, the events will additionally be held at various venues in Astana (squares, parks, public gardens, other public spaces, theaters, concert halls, cinemas, museums, exhibition halls, etc.)

On the eve of the opening of the Games, a bright theatrical performance “Astana is the capital of nomads”will take place as well. Cultural events will be held daily at the unique concert venue of the Ethnoaul. Itincludes the largest exhibition and fair of the best craftsmen of Kazakhstan with demonstrations of their works and master classes, where the craftsmen will share the secrets of their craft. An integral part of the cultural program in the Ethnoaul will be a traditional competition of poets (akyns) Aitys, which will be attended by leading and inceptive poetry contestants (aityskers) of the country. Furthermore, the “Universe of nomads” festival will show the modern trends in the world of culture.

Much attention in the program of events will be paid to the youngest guests of the Ethnoaul, who will find a lot of entertainment and educational playgrounds, as well as the attractions in the ethnostyle.

There will be a podium in the Ethnoaul, where a fashion show will be held as well. Various samples of ethnic clothing, including the leader of this trend – Global Nomads, will be presented as part of the ethno fashion festival.

The competitions with hunting birds and demonstrations on national types of wrestling will take place in the Ethnoaul. The hospitality and cordiality of the Kazakh people will be demonstrated by the festival of national cuisine. Besides that, the master classes will be held here, each visitor will be able to take part in the preparation of food and drinks.

All the events, planned by the organizers in the Ethnoaul, are aimed at achieving the main goal – popularization of cultural heritage, national values, promotion of their national brand of the richest history and culture of the Kazakh people.

Other than this, a cultural program of the World Nomad Games is provided for a film festival.

The events of the scientific program of the Games will be held at the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The world’s largest competitions in national sports will be held in 6 venues of the capital city: Astana Arena Stadium, “Kazanat” racetrack, Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov Palace of Martial Arts, “Alau” Ice Palace, “Qazaqstan” Athletic Sports Complex, “Duman” complex.

It bears noting that the horse racing, traditional archery and national types of bird hunting, as well as the horse riding competitions will be held at the “Kazanat” racetrack and on the territory of the Ethnoaul. Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov Palace of Martial Arts and “Alau” Ice Palace will host the competitions in national wrestling, martial arts and folk games, as well as the traditional intellectual games in the “Duman” complex.

You can find the details on the organizers’ website: ./

16 April, 2024
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