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Concert of the Symphony orchestra "BONDS of ART" in Astana
The concert program will feature masterpieces of classical musical art: Concerto No. 1 for Violin and Orchestra by N. Paganini, where Amina Akhmetzhanova will perform as a soloist, the orchestra's conductor is Eldar Saparaev. Also this evening, connoisseurs of symphonic music will be presented such works as the Cello Concerto with the e-moll orchestra by E. Elgar -the soloist will be Eldar Saparaev and "Pavane" Op.50 by Gabriel Faure, which will be performed under the baton of Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Abzal Mukhitdin.

Amina Akhmetzhanova stands out from the young talented violinists of Kazakhstan with her amazing musical talent and an impressive list of achievements for her young age. She has performed at numerous international competitions in Italy, Georgia, the USA, Turkey, Germany and other countries. She has made over 20 appearances at national and international competitions: the Grand Prix at the V International Competition in Dubai, the first prize at the international competition in Turkey, Antalya, the first prize at the international youth competition Rovere D'oro in Italy. In addition, Amina was honored to present the violin culture of Kazakhstan in the prestigious Konzerthaus hall in Austria as part of the state project "Days of Culture of Kazakhstan in Austria". At the invitation of Vladimir Spivakov, she performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow as part of the international festival "Moscow Meets Friends".

Cellist and conductor Eldar Saparaev comes from an artistic family in Almaty. He received his first cello lessons from his father Zaur Saparaev, a famous virtuoso cellist. In 1987, Eldar entered the K. Baiseitova Music School for Gifted Children. In 1998, he continued his education at the Kazakh National Academy of Music. After receiving a master's degree as a concert performer at the Graduate School of Music in Zurich, he continued his studies at the Hans Eisler Graduate School of Music in Berlin under the supervision of David Geringas. Eldar also received a Master's degree in Conducting from the Lugano Conservatory (Switzerland) under the leadership of Mark Kisochi in 2016.

Among Eldar's achievements are numerous international competitions, including the first prize of the competition named after him. Antonio Yanigro in Croatia, the Grand Prix of the Shabyt competition in Kazakhstan, the first prize of the Kekkert competition in Switzerland and others.

Eldar has performed as a soloist at many concert venues in Europe, Asia, South and North America and collaborated with many famous world-class artists. Currently, Eldar is the artistic director of the Klassik Konstanz music Festival in Germany, a professor at the State University of Ljubljana, as well as a visiting lecturer at the Kazakh National University of Arts in Astana.

It should be recalled that the artistic director of the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra is Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, holder of the Order of "Kurmet", member of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan Abzal Mukhitdin.

Do not miss the unique opportunity to hear a live performance of works performed by laureates of international competitions Amina Akhmetzhanova and Eldar Saparaev with the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.


The concert starts at 19:00. 

Address: Astana, Kenesary str., 32

E. Rakhmadiev State Academic Philharmonic Society

21 May, 2024
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