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90th anniversary of the Kazakh ballet-history in pictures
On May 16, 2024, the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Abylkhan Kasteev will host the grand opening of the exhibition of paintings "Kazakh Ballet: 90 years of history", organized by the Qazaq Ballet creative laboratory. The exhibition presents a reconstruction of historical and modern national performances that were staged over the 90-year period of the existence of professional choreographic art in Kazakhstan.

The exhibition of paintings "Kazakh Ballet: 90 years of history" is a continuation of the publishing project of the art album "89 years of Kazakh ballet".

The aim of the project was to preserve and popularize the national musical and choreographic culture through artistic and design arts.

The exhibition consists of original paintings created on the basis of rare archival photos, videos and texts from museum, theater, and private archives. The paintings depict scenes from national performances over a 90-year period (the chronicle of the album is interrupted with the end of season 89) of the existence of the Kazakh opera and ballet theater.

Among them are performances of the Kazakh National Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai, the State Academic Dance Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Modern Dance Theater "Samruk", the Gabbasov Sisters Dance Theater, the National Opera and Ballet Theater named after K. Baiseitova, the Astana Ballet Theater, the State Opera and Ballet Theater "Astana Opera". Performances of the Almaty Choreographic School named after A. Seleznev and the Kazakh National University of Arts are also presented.

The project was attended exclusively by domestic cultural figures — curator Togzhan Moldalim, head of Qazaq Ballet Creative Lab Damir Urazymbetov, designer Guzel Nurimbetova, artist Zhannat Baymukhanova.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition on May 16 will be attended by ballet dancers of the Abai Opera and Ballet Theater and the Bulat Ayukhanov Theater, as well as musicians from the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory.

The exhibition will last until June 7, 2024.

09 May, 2024
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