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/ Cultural heritage

The Nurmukhan Zhanturin Regional Musical and Drama Theater was opened in Aktau on March 21, 2003. In honor of the opening, the artists of the new theater presented their first production – the “Kyz Zhibek” stage play by Gabit Musirepov.

In those years, it was important to create a new troupe for the first theater of the Mangystau region. It included the students, graduates of the Temirbek Zhurgenov National Academy of Arts: K. Akurpekov, K. Myrzalinova, M. Abaidildenova, A. Zhanseitova, A. Tastayev, T. Shayykh, D. Donenbayeva, M. Morialiyeva, B. Mankeyeva and 30 more young specialists of different professions. They came to the Mangystau region and began their creative career.

After the grand opening, the troupe began presenting its theatrical productions at the prestigious competitions and festivals. In May 2003, a creative team participated with the “Tomiris” stage play at the National festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Natalya Satz in Almaty. The production won in the honorable nomination – “Audience Sympathy”. In the autumn of 2003, the 11th National Theater Festival was held in Oral, where the director of the theater, Gulsina Mirgaliyeva with the “Makhambet” poetic drama by B. Bedelkhanuly, won in the nomination “For the stage director’s search”.

The “Korgansyzdyn kuni” (Defenceless Man’s Day) stage play by Mukhtar Auezov

In November of 2004, the theater won the Grand Prix at the 7th International festival of creative youth “Shabyt” (inspiration) with the stage play “38 or Karakurt” (Steppe spider) based on the “Words of Wisdom” by Abai Kunanbaiuly. Also, the author of the production Gulsina Mirgaliyeva was awarded the title of “The best director”. In October 2005, as part of the 13th National Theater Festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Kulyash Baiseitova, the theater was awarded the diploma “For creative innovative search” for the same production.

In 2006, the theater was named after the People’s Artist of Kazakhstan - Nurmukhan Zhanturin, the greatest actor, originally from Mangystau. To the general public, Zhanturin is known for his roles in the films. The main role in the “Sultan Beibars” film became the apotheosis for the actor. The film was released in 1989. In the same year, at the prestigious festival in Russia, Nurmukhan Zhanturin was awarded the special prize and diploma for his outstanding contribution to the acting profession.

Nowadays, the theater is a unique collective – the only professional theater in the region, which operates in five directions: Children’s, Youth Theater, Russian troupe, as well as Musical and Drama Theater.

“Sell your husband” by M. Zadornov

At the special suggestion of the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Information, in 2007, the Nurmukhan Zhanturin Mangystau Regional Musical and Drama Theater participated in the 13th International Experimental Theater Festival held in Cairo. At this experimental festival, the theater participated in the production of “Mozart or Salieri?” based on the stage play by A. S. Pushkin.

Over the years, the theater has invited the famous masters of the stage. Among them, People’s Artist of Kazakhstan Y.Obayev, Honored Figure of Culture of Kazakhstan R. Mashurova, Honored Figure of Culture of Kazakhstan Y. Tuyakov, Laureate of the State Prize of Kyrgyzstan S. Matveyev, famous director T. Kobekov, Honored Artist of Kazakhstan M. Akhmanov, Honored Cultural Workers of Kazakhstan A. Orazbek and A. Sarsenbek.

A solemn event in honor of the 20th anniversary of the theater, 2023

Now, the troupe of the theater includes more than 50 actors. The theater’s repertoire includes over 40 productions, including both foreign and domestic classics. The spectators loved the performances: “Scandalous Stories” based on the stage plays of A. P. Chekhov, “Kozy Korpesh – Bayan Sulu” by Gabit Musirepov, “Tomiris” by T. Alimbayev, “Garden without Land” by Razumovsky, “Two Arrows” by A. Volodin, “Unexpected Love” by N. Ptushkina, “Eldest Son” by A. Vampilov, “A Garden without land” by I. Razumovskaya, “Two Arrows” by A. Volodin, “Unexpected Love” by N. Ptushkin. The works of local playwrights were successfully staged as well: “Aqbobek” by S. Nazarbek and “Ant” (Oath) N.Mukhanov.

Notice: The Nurmukhan Zhanturin Regional Musical and Drama Theater is located at the address: Aktau city, 8th Microdistrict, 28/2. The building was built in the Soviet times, according to the project of a cinema with two halls. It is temporarily under the partial reconstruction.