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/ Cultural heritage
/ The Art of Felting and Weaving
The Art of Felting and Weaving

 Each person is connected with certain places, which he perceives with special awe and love. In these places, there is a cultural connection with the past, the creativity of the people and their unique traditions.

 One of the oldest and most widespread types of decorative and applied art in Kazakhstan is nightmarish. This art of felting permeates many spheres of life and culture of the Kazakh people.

Kazakhs have been using felt for centuries to cover yurts, make clothes, bags, as well as to create various interior items such as flamethrowers and syrmaks. However, felting is not the only art in which the skills of Kazakh women are manifested. Weaving also occupies an important place in the culture of the country. Carpets, bags, elements for the decoration of yurts - all this was woven and continues by the weavers, passing on their art and traditions to the next generations.

Despite the changes in the modern world, the folk craftsmen of Kazakhstan preserve and pass on the traditions of decorating yurts. Their works, whether they are rugs, carpets or blankets, carry the spirit of the past, traditional patterns and symbols, and are passed down from generation to generation.

The process of creating felt is a real art that requires careful preparation and skill. Selecting the autumn shearing of the sheep's wool, the craftsmen then manually whip it, creating thin layers on the mat. The wool is poured with hot water, and then the processing process continues until the felt acquires the necessary density and strength.

The manufacture of various felt products is not only the process of creating household items, but also the preservation of cultural heritage. For example, tuyrlyks for jura, mats, syrmaks - all of them have their own functionality and at the same time decorate the space, recalling the traditions and history of the people.

One of the unique products of felt art is the "ayakkap" - a cover for dishes. Although this object is used in everyday life, it retains the traditional patterns and ornaments characteristic of Kazakh culture.

It is important to note that many of these traditional household items, such as garshin, are becoming less common in the modern world. However, their uniqueness and functionality make them not only household items, but also a source of study of the history, customs and culture of the Kazakh people.