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/ Cultural heritage
/ The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CGM RK)
The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CGM RK)

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the oldest and largest museums not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the entire Central Asian region. 

The museum's stock collections number about 300 thousand items. Currently, the museum has seven main stationary exhibition halls, the diverse collections of which allow you to get a visual representation not only of the paleontological past, but also of the ancient, medieval, modern and modern history and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

The beginning of the creation of museum collections was laid in the 30s of the nineteenth century in Orenburg, where the Museum of the Orenburg Region was organized at the Neplyuyevsky Military School. One of its organizers was the famous linguist, author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, Vladimir Dahl. The basis of the museum's funds in different years included collections not only of the museum of the Orenburg Region (1924), but also of the Zhetysu (Semirechensk) regional (1929) and republican anti-religious museums (1941). The museum was located in the building of the Ascension Cathedral, which is a unique architectural complex of the city. Alma-Ata, built in 1904-1907 by the famous Vernensky architect A.P.Zenkov.

In 1920, by decree of the government of the Kazakh Autonomous Republic (by the way, based in Orenburg as the capital of the autonomy), the Cossack Central Regional Museum was established. It was then that part of the collections of the Orenburg Provincial Museum was transferred to the newly formed Central Regional Museum. However, the final addition of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place only in 1929 in connection with the transfer of the Central Regional Museum to Almaty, the new capital of the Kazakh Autonomous Republic.

In 1944, the museum was assigned to the I-th category and received its current name - the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan. In the future, the Central State Museum experienced tangible events in its formation and development and, as one of the main cultural, educational and scientific institutions, made an invaluable contribution to the development of the republic. Having started its activity in the XIX century and having survived all the upheavals of the XX century, the Central Museum took an active part in the organization and development of other museums of the republic. Having survived the Orenburg, Kyzyl-Orda, Alma-Ata periods and having achieved certain results in the study of the archaeological, ethnographic and geographical wealth of the region, the museum acquainted the public with the history of the country.

The modern building of the museum was built in 1985 according to the project of architects Yu.Ratushny, Z.Mustafina and B.Rzagaliev. It is rightfully considered one of the best architectural structures in the entire Central Asian region. The total area of the Museum building is more than 20 thousand square meters, the exposition and exhibition area is about 7000 square meters. The Museum's stock and exposition collections number about 300 thousand historical, archaeological and ethnographic items.     Among the exhibits of the museum are unique monuments of material culture, reflecting the cultural tradition and history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present.          

Famous figures of Kazakh culture, literature and art, historians, politicians, and public figures also made a great contribution to the formation of the museum collection. Among them are the names of A. Baitursynov, A. Zhirenchin, G. Mustafin, K. Badyrova, A. Margulan and many others.

As evidenced by world experience, it is the functioning of the museum, primarily as a scientific structure, that allows it to realize its diverse educational functions at a higher level. In 2005, the Museum received the official status of a research organization, which served as a new impetus to improve research (including stock) and cultural and educational work. The Central Museum, as an independent subject of scientific research, actively participates in the implementation of numerous socially and scientifically significant research projects within the framework of the implementation of the large-scale State program "Cultural Heritage". According to the results of the research, over 30 publications were published, including scientific catalogs on archeology, ethnography, numismatics and narrative sources on the ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan. All of them were highly appreciated by specialists and the scientific community not only in the republic, but also in the scientific circles of a number of foreign countries (France, Italy, Germany, Russia, etc.).

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been performing the functions of the main institution in the museum space of the country for a long time, and its richest funds store and exhibit the most valuable rare historical and cultural monuments of our people, which are national treasures. 

CGM is the most visited museum in the country annually hosts up to 130 thousand people, organizes and conducts over 100 lectures; creates more than 30 exhibitions annually, conducts popular events among the population and various cultural and educational programs.

Since 2008, the museum has a Scientific Library. During these years, the Museologist program for electronic cataloguing and certification of stock collections, initiated by UNESCO, was introduced, which is an innovation in the museum practice of Central Asian countries.

On March 14, 2023, the first issue of the scientific and practical journal "MUSEUM.KZ ". Scientific and practical journal "MUSEUM.KZ " highlights the latest scientific achievements in the field of museum business, as well as promotes the national and world cultural heritage. Improving the professional level of museum business, using museum exhibits as sources in the study of the history and culture of our homeland are the main mission of this magazine.

The Central Museum, considered the leading and largest museum in the country, successfully operates in its main areas of activity, including: cultural and educational, exposition and exhibition, storage of funds, research, restoration, collecting, accounting, editorial and publishing services, and cooperates with countries of the far and near abroad, as well as conducts a lot of work in the implementation of state policy in the field of culture and science.

Halls of the CGM RK

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the oldest and largest museum in Kazakhstan, which has almost two centuries of history. The formation of the stock and exposition collections of the Central Museum dates back to the 30s of the XIX century (Orenburg, 1831). In 1920, the museum received the status of the Central Museum and was called the Central Regional Museum of the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) Territory; since 1944, it has been functioning with the current name - the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

The museum's stock collections number about 300 thousand items of storage, representing the heritage of national culture.    

In the hall of the museum there are reconstructions of clothes and accessories: women of the Bronze Age (XIII-IX centuries BC, the author of the reconstruction is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Akishev K.A., performer Doctor of Historical Sciences Podushkin A.N.), made on the basis of real artifacts found during the excavations of numerous burial grounds of the Andronovo culture of the Bronze Age of the Central, Northern and Eastern Kazakhstan of the XVIII-X centuries BC, the Saka leader – the "Golden Man" of the IV-III centuries BC from the Issyk kurgan, Almaty region (authors: Doctor of Historical Sciences K.A. Akishev and Candidate of Historical Sciences A.K. Akishev), the clothes of the Saka leader are decorated with a complex, harmonious composition of 4,800 gold plaques depicting animals, plant motifs and geometric shapes, today the "Golden Man" is known all over the world and is a symbol of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Xiongnu warrior (II century BC - I century AD, author D.I.A.N. Podushkin) and a noble woman of the Kangju state (Kangyu), (II century BC - IV century AD, author, Doctor of Historical Sciences A.N. Podushkin). 

The museum has seven main stationary halls reflecting the development of the history and culture of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present:  

The Hall of Paleontology and Archeology consists of two exhibition complexes – paleontological and archaeological. The paleontological complex consistently tells about the evolution of life on Earth, using the example of authentic fossils of animals and plants found on the territory of Kazakhstan from the origin of planet Earth to the epoch of anthropogenic. The archaeological exposition complex consists of four sections: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Early Iron Age, the Middle Ages and introduces the history, economy, religious beliefs, artistic crafts, architecture of the tribes that inhabited the territory of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the XV century. 

The hall "Traditional culture of the Kazakhs" (hall of historical ethnography) is dedicated to the life support system, economic and everyday life, material and spiritual culture of the Kazakh people. The monuments of material culture are represented by bright ethnographic exhibits - household items and applied arts, a collection of weapons and military equipment of the XVIII-XIX centuries, jewelry, samples of Kazakh national clothing, products of carpet and felt production, as well as a traditional Kazakh dwelling - yurt. Among the unique exhibits there is a sample of the gold-embroidered art of Kazakh craftsmen coral tusk (early XX century), as well as the military armor of Sultan Arystan decorated with verses from the Koran (the first floor. XIX century.).

Hall "Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War and the culture of Diasporas"

The exposition sections of the hall reflect the history and culture of ethnic diasporas living in Kazakhstan. The showcases feature unique items of traditional culture and everyday life, fine and applied arts, photographs, rare documents of various ethnic groups. A special section of the hall "Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War" is dedicated to Kazakhstanis who showed selfless heroism on the fronts and in the rear during the war in the name of Victory. The exhibition presents clothing, written and photographic documentary materials.  

The hall "Sovereign Kazakhstan". The exposition of the hall is devoted to the history of the development and formation of Independent Kazakhstan from 1991 to the present and demonstrates not only the state symbols of our country – the coat of arms, the score of the anthem, the flag, state awards, banknotes, stamps issued in Kazakhstan, but also materials reflecting the modern development of the country in various fields — economy, industry, education, science, culture and sports. A special section is presented by gifts presented during a visit to our country by the heads of foreign states, as well as photographic and documentary materials characterizing the role and place of Kazakhstan in the system of modern international relations.

The hall "Open Fund. Archaeological gold of Kazakhstan" is a genuine treasure trove of masterpieces of the ancient civilization of the Nomads. Gold artistic products found in the mounds of Chilikta, Tarasu (VII-VI centuries BC), Pokrovka (V century BC), as well as in Zhalaulinsky (VIII-VII centuries BC) and Kargalinsky (III century BC – I century AD) treasures and monuments of Otrar-the Karatau culture (IV-V centuries) reflects the cultural tradition of the tribes of the era of the early nomads of Kazakhstan – the Saks, Sarmatians, Savromats and Usuns. Of particular interest are the unique examples of jewelry made in the animal style from the Zhalaulinsky treasure – pectoral (breast ornament) and plaques decorated with figures of mountain sheep and the "Kargalinsky diadem" – a monument to the jewelry art of the Usuns.

The Museum of Anthropology Hall is the only museum in Central Asia where unique anthropological and archaeological objects are displayed, reflecting, on the one hand, the process of the formation of modern man and his settlement on Earth, on the other - the ethno- and racial-genetic history of the Kazakhs. The exposition allows you to get acquainted with the anthropological features of the ancient inhabitants of Kazakhstan, early nomads – Saks, Huns (Huns), Usuns, Kangyu (Kangly), Sarmatians, Savromats. The hall exhibits anthropological reconstructions and materials of comprehensive research demonstrating the deep roots and stages of the formation of the anthropological type of modern Kazakhs. 

Russian Russian painter, local historian, ethnographer, founder of the Semirechensk department of the Russian Geographical Society, who came to Kazakhstan in 1879, are represented in the hall "N.G.Khludov". In the artist's work, a special place is occupied by works dedicated to the display of traditional culture, economy, life of the Kazakhs and the rich nature of the region. A significant part of the master's legacy and items from the artist's personal complex are on display in the hall.

 The museum is located at the address: Almaty, md. Samal-1/44