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/ Cultural heritage
/ IT is NECESSARY to "Astana Opera and Ballet Theater"
IT is NECESSARY to "Astana Opera and Ballet Theater"

NAO "State Opera and Ballet Theater "AstanaOpera"

Information on the use of virtual tour (3D tour) technologies for website users https://аstanaopera .kz

Since its foundation, the key mission of the theater has been to support, preserve and develop culture.  Modern technologies that allow creating a "presence effect" contribute to the popularization of art and familiarization with world and national cultural values, which contributes to contribution to the improvement of the cultural image of Kazakhstan in the international space. 

To provide users with an interactive and educational experience on the website of the Astana Opera House the possibility of a virtual tour has been implemented. As part of a 3D tour of the theater building, users can virtually visit the foyer, the Bolshoi, the Chamber and the Baroque Hall, determine the choice of places with the necessary visibility for the subsequent purchase of tickets, as well as get acquainted with digital copies of the exhibits of the Theater Museum.

At the beginning of 2024, we can note good viewing statistics for a virtual tour of the theater. More than 70,000 people have already virtually "walked" around the Theater and the number of views is actively growing. 

The digital collection of the Central Museum

In 2023, a virtual guide was launched at the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, providing full information to museum visitors. With its help, guests can get important information about the history of the museum and exhibition halls in 2 minutes, which will help save time. Another feature of the virtual guide is that the museum exhibits are shown in 3D format. All data is provided in Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish, Korean and Chinese. 

On March 16, a presentation of the special photo zone "Sheber men kylkalam" (Master and brush) will take place, where works by domestic artists from the Central Museum fund will be exhibited. As part of the event, all paintings from the museum's collection will be digitized and presented to the audience. 

The State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Abylkhana Kasteeva

The State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Abylkhana Kasteeva is a leader in the field of introducing digital technologies into the museum's activities. 

So in 2018, for the first time in the country's museum practice, an Automated information System for Data Accounting (AIS UD) was introduced into the museum's activities "from scratch" developed for the needs of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the requirements of museum specialists. 

This system automates the main processes of museum document management and significantly increases the efficiency of museum staff. 

In 2023, the system was upgraded by developing and commissioning an innovative module for AIS UD, which allows the use of voice input of information followed by digital retroconversion into text files. 

The main idea of the project is the translation of handwritten cards into audio speech, i.e. the recognition of oral speech in the form of audio files and their translation into a machine-readable text format. 

This program will significantly increase the speed of data entry into the AIS UD and organize the work of museum staff more efficiently. The analysis of specialized literature did not show the presence of such solutions both in the near and far abroad, thus the MAIZE introduced into the museum's activities is a promising, unparalleled development. 

    Another area of digitization of the museum's activities is the creation of a digital archive of 3D models of the museum's exhibits, the funds of sculpture and decorative and applied arts in the amount of 2,400 units have been digitized, part of the archive is presented on the museum's website and in information kiosks in the museum halls, where visitors can get acquainted with 3D models of exhibits not represented in the museum's exposition space.

The State Museum-Reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili"

The official website of the state museum-reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili":

You can access the museum's photo gallery by clicking on the link below

You can view the 3D tour of the museum by clicking on the link below

The State Museum-Reserve "Bozok"

On March 31, 2018, No. 150, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Bozok" of the MKI RK was established in order to implement the historical, cultural, architectural project "Creation of an open-air National Park based on archaeological excavations of the ancient settlement of Bozok".  

Instagram facebook, twitter in order to popularize the historical and cultural heritage of the Steppe civilization on social networks, , You Tube, Tiktok Museum-reserve "Bozok" conducts educational activities. 

Videos with a visual vision of the creation of the Bozok National Park have been prepared.

 Thematic videos have been created based on the results of scientific activities in order to popularize the historical and cultural heritage:

1. A video about a female warrior Inzhu, discovered at the Bozok necropolis (Ganieva A., Zhaparov B.).

2. Video about the historical part of the National Park in the open air (Burbaeva S., Kutdusov R., Suraganova Z., Bespalinov A., Tolegenuly K.)

3. A series of short films with the participation of leading Russian scientists (12).

1. Video interview. Lecturer: leading scientist – archaeologist of Kazakhstan, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences – Zainolla Samashevich Samashev, conducted at the archaeological site – the ancient settlement of Bozok.

2. Video interview by Maral Kalymzhanovna Khabdulina, Director of the K.A. Akishev Research Institute of Archaeology of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, conducted at the archaeological monument – the ancient settlement of Bozok. In the interview, the scientist answers topical questions concerning the preservation and popularization of Equestrian culture in the modern in the current situation.

3. Video interview with Professor of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Doctor of Historical Sciences - Zhambyl Omarovich Artykbayev, conducted at the archaeological site – the ancient settlement of Bozok. The scientist answers topical questions concerning the preservation and popularization of Equestrian culture.

4. As part of the field workshops on the territory of the archaeological workshop — the ancient settlement of Bozok, leading Russian scientists Zeynolla Samashev, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Maral Khabdullina, Director of the K.Akishev Research Institute of Archaeology, Candidate of Historical Sciences; Zhambyl Artykbayev, famous ethnographer, Candidate of Historical Sciences, gave an interesting interview. Topic: popularization of Equestrian culture within the framework of historical and cultural projects, how not to "lose and preserve those values that have been passed down to us from generation to generation."

5. The video memoir "Bozok in my heart" is presented by the memoirs of the participants of the Yesil stationary archaeological expeditions to the Bozok settlement, which is one of the first pages of the history of our capital. Hundreds of young people took part in 14 years of stationary excavations at the monument, who today share their fond memories of the expedition to Bozoka.

6. A video with the participation of the director of the K.A. Akishev Research Institute of Archaeology of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Ph.D. in History – Maral Khabdulina Kalymzhanovna. The theme of the film: "Bozok-Nur-Sultan: past, present, future".

7. Lecturer: Professor of Shakarim State University, Ph.D. in Economics – Isin Amantai Isaevich. On the topic: "The ethnopolitical history of the medieval Saryarka in an excursion".

8. The author's work of a researcher, a young archaeologist - Yerbolat Zhaksybekovich Rakhmankulov "Syrga toly Kokentau muralary", video.

9. The film of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Bozok" on the implementation of the project "Creation of an open-air National Park based on archaeological excavations of the ancient settlement of Bozok".

"The State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Bozok" does not have a modern information system AIS KAMIS, which provides integrated databases of museum collections. 

The Bozok Museum–Reserve has conducted 64 online tours.  

The Bozok Museum-Reserve shot a 3D film on the territory of the Bozok archaeological monument.

The State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Botai"

The Botai State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve offers guided tours online on the ZOOM platform.  It is as unique as any other excursion. In online tours, you are a full-fledged participant, where the guide tells us about a particular object, knows not only the exact facts, but also conveys the atmosphere of time, as if resurrecting the past.

The official website of the Mukhtar Auezov Kazakh National Drama Theater 

The national Theatre effectively uses the digital collection section to present to the audience its works on the creation of artistic art, new culture; glorification of patriotism, goodness, morality, beauty.

Users of the digital collection will be able to get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage of Kazakh theatrical art on the official website of our theater 

• History of the theater 

• Theatre Museum 

• 3D tour 

• Layout of the hall 

• Theatrical ethics 

• Monthly billboard

• Current repertoire

• Theatrical news

"3D tour"

Having stumbled upon the 3D Tour section of the theater's website, it is possible to make a virtual tour of the theater museum and the interior of the theater without leaving home. With the help of a 3D tour, the user can take an online tour of the exterior, interior of the theater, foyer, auditorium and museum of the theater with more than 50 years of history.  

The official website of the Kalibek Kuanyshbayev State Academic Kazakh Musical Drama Theater  

The official website of the Kalibek Kuanyshbayev State Academic Kazakh Musical Drama Theater

* About the theater

* Playbill

* Repertoire

* Theater staff

* Media

* Visit to the theater

* Ticket purchase

* Upcoming events 

* Contacts

 INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, TELEGRAM) Links to the official social pages of the theater.

Users of the digital collection will be able to find out the history of the theater and additional information by going to the "About the theater" section on the official website of our theater

* History of the theater

* The founders of the theater

* Public procurement

* Anti-corruption.

Follow the following link on the theater's website  

/where it is possible to go to the "Hall layout" section and preview the interior of the theater and the hall layout.