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/ Cultural heritage
/ West Kazakhstan Regional Central Universal Scientific Library named after J.Moldagaliev
West Kazakhstan Regional Central Universal Scientific Library named after J.Moldagaliev

The West Kazakhstan Regional Central Universal Scientific Library named after J.Moldagaliev is one of the oldest libraries in Kazakhstan.

In 1871, a public library was opened on the basis of the library of the Military School in Uralsk. In 1921, the library was reorganized into the central city library, and in 1935 - into the regional one. The library has become the main book depository of the region, a methodological and coordinating center for all libraries in the region.

Since 1947, the library has been located in the historic Karev House building. 

In 1977, the library became a zonal depository serving 4 regions of Western Kazakhstan. Currently, more than 10 thousand books have been collected in the depository. In 2000, by a decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the library was named after the famous poet Zhuban Moldagaliev.

Library Fund

The foundations of the OCUNB named after Zhubana Moldagaliev, as the basis for the functioning of the library, is an integral part of the national heritage of Kazakhstan and the largest information resource in the West Kazakhstan region, satisfying the population's need for information. The library's collections are universal in their content and are designed for different categories of users. Currently, the volume of funds is 371.3 thousand units of storage (of which 106.0 thousand units are in the Kazakh language) and includes books, periodicals, sheet music, audiovisual materials, electronic resources.

The pride of the library is the collection of rare books, which amounts to 16,568 copies. Of these, the pre-revolutionary fund-5,607 copies. depository -10961 copies . The library's collections include collections of reprints, facsimiles and miniature editions, books in Kazakh, published in Latin script; books in foreign languages and in the languages of the peoples of the CIS countries; autographed books by both Kazakhstani (classics of Kazakh literature J.Moldagaliev, K.Myrza Ali, A.Tarazi, S.Seitova, A.Kekilbayev) and local writers (A.Baktygereeva, K.Zhumagaliev, N.Korsunov, T.Azovskaya, G.Doronin, V.Irkhina) as well as individual representatives of art and culture who are world famous (S.Richter, B.Akhmadulina, M. Boyarsky, V. Lanov, M. Bisengaliev). 

The oldest book in the library collection is the Historical Dictionary, published in 1793. A later ancient book is Abbot Millotte's Book "Common Ancient and Modern History", printed at the I. Glazunov printing house in St. Petersburg in 1820, telling about the peoples of the world before 1815 using an ancient atlas and a new geography. 

Among the pre-revolutionary publications are the works of historians S. Solovyov, N. Kostomarov, a book about the life and literary activity of the English writer Charles Dickens (St. Petersburg Publishing House, 1891), a book about the life of the French writer Emile Zola "Emile Zola" (1895), there are works by A. Pushkin, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Tolstoy.

From rare publications related to the region: a local history reference book: "Ural-Caspian Region" (GUBONO edition, Ural, 1927). local teachers K. V. Danilevsky and E. V. Rudnitsky, written in 1927. 7124

West Kazakhstan Regional Library for Children and Youth named after A.P.Gaidar

In 1988, the regional children's library (year of opening 1961) was merged with the regional youth library (year of opening 1967) in order to conduct an experiment. The association of libraries pursued the goal of implementing the principles of continuity in serving readers, creating a full–fledged information service on children and youth topics.

The building where the library is located belongs to the architectural monuments of the XIX century, it was built in 1860. In this historic house, from June to August 1900, the democratic writer V.G.Korolenko worked on archives about E.Pugachev.

The universal fund of the library has more than 202 thousand items of storage. These are children's, popular science, educational, and fiction literature in Kazakh and other foreign languages, including Kazakh periodicals. Every year, the library serves over 20 thousand readers, who receive about 420 thousand copies of books and periodicals.

Currently, the library is a modern cultural and information institution that meets the needs of library users of children and youth age. It is also a space for personal development, a meeting place, communication and leisure for children and youth, a methodological and coordination center.

The readers have access to wireless Internet. The structure of the library includes: the department of services for children of preschool and primary school age; the department of services for middle and senior school age; the department of youth services; the department of literature on art; the department of information and bibliographic support; the department of innovative and methodological work; the department of public relations and mass work; the department of acquisition, document processing, and catalog organization; the sector of storage of the main fund; the sector of foreign literature; "Internet room"; "American corner".

In 2016, by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 827 dated December 20, the library was named after the writer Khamza Yesenzhanov.

There are 207871 publications in the library's Collection, 50827 of them in Kazakh

West Kazakhstan Regional Special Library for blind and Visually impaired citizens

Западно-Казахстанская областная специальная библиотека для незрячих и слабовидящих граждан была основана в 1969 году Решением Уральского исполнительного комитета за №639 «Об открытии специальных библиотек для слепых». 

Сегодня библиотека- одно из ведущих специализированных учреждений в западном регионе республики. Книжный фонд библиотеки содержит все виды и жанры литературы рельефно - точечного шрифта, в том числе графических пособий, озвученной и плоскопечатной литературы, изданий на дисках CD-ROM.

В Фонде библиотеки-48 295 изданий.