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/ Cultural heritage
/ Republican Library for Blind and visually impaired citizens
Republican Library for Blind and visually impaired citizens

In 1969-1970, 14 special libraries for blind and visually impaired citizens were opened in Kazakhstan, including the Almaty library on the basis of the city library No. 22. In 1971, it began its activity as the Republican Library for Blind and Visually Impaired citizens of the Kazakh SSR, becoming the state scientific library of universal profile.

In 1975, a recording studio was opened at the library. The recording and release of the voiced books on rolls was carried out.

In 1986, the recording studio completely switched to the new technology of recording on compact cassettes on Japanese recording and replication equipment.

In 1971-1990, the period of organization and strengthening of the network of special libraries in Kazakhstan. RBNSG, as a methodological center, plays an important role in improving the business skills of library staff for blind and visually impaired citizens. The solution of this problem is facilitated by the holding of annual republican seminars and meetings. In 1971-1990, the director of the library was an Honorary member of the KOS A.F. Sapelkin.

In 1990-1992, the library was headed by K.K. Kunurbaev. In 1991, the library moved to a new two-storey building. In 1992-2003, M.B. Konysbayev was the director of the library. In 1990-1998, the library continued to carry out systematic work on servicing the visually impaired with a library book. Connections and partnerships with other libraries are being established. Currently, RSU RBNSG is a member of the KBS.

In 1999, the library won a grant from the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation for the implementation of the project "Creation of a publishing complex for the production of special literature on the basis of the Republican Library for blind and visually impaired citizens of Kazakhstan to improve information and library services for the visually impaired." The appropriate equipment was purchased. In 2000-2003. Work has begun in the library to automate library processes, new typhlotechnical tools for publishing special literature have appeared, special computer programs designed for the visually impaired have appeared, and work has begun on digitizing the voiced literature.

In 2004, G.R. Balgozhina became the director of the library. In 2004, the opening of a computer class, which allowed blind readers, students to be trained to use a computer using special programs for the blind "Virgo", to work in MS Windows, MS Word. All blind users have free access to Internet resources. The library staff developed the program "Automated information System of the Special Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (AIS – SBRK), author's certificates were obtained.

Work is underway to create electronic catalogs for literature of all types of publications, systematic files on typhlology and bibliography. In 2005, the publication of the library newspaper RBNSG – Vesti began, published in relief-dot and flat-print font. The newspaper was assigned a subscription index and it was included in the Kazpost catalog. For the first time, the library has created its own сайтwww.rbnsg.о , currently . A Rehabilitation Room is open in the library. It is equipped with special literature, visual aids and typhoid devices. In 2006-2007. The library has a special program "Duxbury", which allows you to print Braille texts in the Kazakh language. It was received with the support of the international foundation "Fogse". Opening in the library of the Daisy studio. This is the latest development in the field of creating a digitally dubbed book.

Since 2011, the edition of the Republican Library for the blind and visually impaired citizens "Talking" newspaper "Menin zholym" - "My way" has been published.Registered with the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 6, 2011 No. 12183-G

In 2017, E. Alimkulov became the director, and since 2018, A.K. Bayuzakov has been the director of the library.

The Republican Library for Blind and Visually Impaired Citizens (RBNSG) is a state special library of universal profile, a republican repository of documents published in relief–dot (Braille), flat-printed fonts, voiced books, documents on typhlology, on digital media.

RBNSG is a methodological center of 7 regional, 4 city libraries for blind and visually impaired citizens, 2 branches and 4 special departments.

RBNSG provides library, reference, bibliographic, and information services to readers, the purpose of which is to provide free, unlimited, and equal access to library information resources based on the use of modern technologies, telecommunications, and the global Internet.

All visually impaired people living in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their family members, students of boarding schools for blind and visually impaired children, students of mass schools with impaired eyesight, persons working at enterprises and organizations of visually impaired people and people with disabilities of other categories have the right to use RBNSG.

Users living in other regions of the republic and reading relief-point literature and voiced books can use interlibrary and correspondence subscriptions, and persons with additional disabilities other than vision, the elderly – a home subscription.

The book collection consists of more than 261547 items. The annual attendance of readers is about 28,861, book issuance is 98,557. 8 departments serve readers. The library's business card is the website www.blindlib .kz The annual virtual site visit is more than 19800.

In the library's collection (general fund, unique editions) -261547 copies.