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/ Cultural heritage
/ Mangystau Regional Universal Library named after Kabibolla Sydykov
Mangystau Regional Universal Library named after Kabibolla Sydykov

The history of creation. In 1973, on August 23, by the decision of the Mangystau Regional Executive Committee, the Mangystau Regional Universal Library was opened.

The initial book stock was 1,400 copies. In the 1980s, a network of libraries developed, especially rural ones, and the fund was staffed centrally. In 1973, one-year courses for librarians were opened. In 1988, due to the abolition of the Mangystau region and joining the Guryev region, the regional library became known as the Guryev Regional Library No. 2. Then three regional libraries merged into one Mangystau Regional Universal Library. Since 1999, the library has included a special library for blind and visually impaired citizens. 

Since 2002, the RABIS library program has been introduced into the library, an electronic catalog is being compiled, and work is underway to translate local history literature into digital format. The National Electronic Library of the Republic has more than 430 works by poets and writers of our region, which are used in more than 150 countries around the world.

In 2014, the library's website was opened, where library activities are widely covered in order to popularize reading, familiarize readers with the library fund: virtual book exhibitions, reader conferences, promotions, presentations, meetings, etc.

In 2017, the library was named after Kabibolla Sydykov, a literary scholar, poet, philologist, and researcher.

In 2021, the regional library moved to a new building. The structure of the library has expanded here, new equipment and equipment have been purchased, and good conditions have been created for readers. The library has 12 halls and 9 departments, an arts sector and a coworking center. To organize various types of services aimed at meeting the educational, informational, cultural and leisure needs of readers, the library has Coworking, Parasat Zholy centers, various clubs and circles.

Currently, the book fund consists of more than 431 thousand copies of books, special / types and periodicals. The library serves more than 45 thousand readers, who receive more than 350 thousand copies of printed publications, etc. documents. 

The library cooperates closely with all cultural centers, educational institutions, enterprises, institutions of the city and the region. Various events are held monthly in the library: meetings with famous people of the region, local writers and poets, book presentations, literature screenings, Information Days, Specialist Days, etc. 

The library is a methodological center for 69 libraries in the region. Seminars, internships, contests and other methodological events are held annually for employees.

Book fund– 431296, 

In the official language-105981, 

Children's Fund -88840, in the state language -13240, 

Electronic publications-3297, in kaz.yaz-1041, 

Audiovisual copies-6037, on kaz-2325, 

Maps, sheet music, atlases, etc. Documents-91542, on kaz.-3681