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/ Cultural heritage
/ Kyzylorda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Abdilda Tazhibayev
Kyzylorda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Abdilda Tazhibayev

The history of the library begins in 1867. In 1867, a library was opened in the city of Perovsk (now Kyzylorda) for residents of the military fortress of the Akmeshit district. The library was organized by advanced, progressive-minded people who were exiled here from the central cities of Russia by the tsarist government for their participation in the revolutionary movement.

In 1938, the Kyzylorda region was established and the library received the status of regional significance.

In 1973, the library was moved to the address Ibray Zhakaev St., the building area was 930 sq.m. A reading room with 70 seats was opened for readers.

In 1983 - the regional universal scientific library named after M. Gorky.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 21, 1999 "On naming and renaming educational and cultural institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the Kyzylorda Regional Universal Scientific Library was named after the national writer of Kazakhstan Abdilda Tazhibayev.

In 2009, the library was transferred to a standard building designed to store a book collection of 400.0 thousand copies.

The library has 7 departments and 8 sectors. 

The library's book collection is 427,590 copies. The fund includes books, periodicals, audiobooks, electronic editions, musical editions, of which 130146 are in the Kazakh language.

There are 1003 copies of rare and valuable publications in the fund.

The fund of rare books and manuscripts of the A. Tazhibayev Regional Universal Scientific Library contains written monuments in Kazakh, Russian, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Arabic, Persian, Latin, Tajik, Turkish, Chagatai, Tatar, and Korean languages. 

Their writing methods are also diverse: saga, memoirs and other genres. Most of the book editions were published before 1961. Books in the Kazakh language published during this period have also been preserved.

Kyzylorda Regional Specialized Library for blind and Visually Impaired citizens

In 1967, the library began to provide library services for the Society of the blind on a voluntary basis.

Kyzylorda Regional Specialized Library for Blind and Visually Impaired citizens was opened in 1969 by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide library services to blind citizens of the region.  

In 1971-1972, the library received special tape recorders and audiobooks.

In 2005, a typhocomputer was purchased for blind and visually impaired citizens.

The library's collection consists of 29,822 copies of books, of which 16,257 copies are in the state language. Of these: relief-dot books (in Braille)- 2932, voiced books-12438, books recorded on CD-1895, flat-printed books-12481 copies of books.