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/ Cultural heritage
/ Karaganda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after N.V. Gogol
Karaganda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after N.V. Gogol

The Karaganda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after N.V. Gogol was organized in 1934 on the basis of the city library, which received regional status in 1938. The formation and development of the library is inextricably linked with the construction and development of the Karaganda coal basin and the city of Karaganda.

First of all, the library served the needs of the population of a rapidly growing mining town -miners, builders, engineering and technical workers. Production and technical literature were purchased. Over time, the functions of the library began to expand and with the acquisition of the status of the regional library, the library already performs the functions of a methodological center for the libraries of the region.

Today, the N.V. Gogol OUN University occupies an important place in the socio-cultural development of society. It is the educational, cultural and information center of the region. The library's readers are served by 13 departments and sectors. Every year, the library serves more than 22 thousand readers, who receive more than 500 thousand copies. documents.

The library collection is 436,968 copies. 

Rare manuscripts: - 2, book collections – 1252, atlas – 1.

Karaganda Regional Youth Library named after Zh.Bekturova

1976 is the year the library was founded. Today it is a multifunctional institution, an information and leisure center for teenagers and youth, as well as a consultative, methodological and coordinating center for youth work for the libraries of the region. 

Since 1995, the regional youth library has occupied a spacious, comfortable building, which houses cozy reading rooms, subscription rooms, and a hall for mass events. The range of readers has also expanded: in 1996, the children's service department was opened.  

By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 14, 2001, the regional youth library of Karaganda was named after Zhaik Kagenovich Bekturov, a researcher, journalist, poet, writer, translator, publicist, public figure, honorary resident of Karaganda. 

The library collection is 162041 copies.     

Rare books – 38 copies.

Karaganda Regional Children's Library named after Abai

The Karaganda Regional Children's Library named after Abai is one of the largest children's libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan and a methodological center for children's libraries in the Karaganda region. 

Over the years, hundreds of thousands of readers have passed through the library's halls, and everyone has found the right book for themselves here, an interesting activity in clubs and circles, an informative meeting.

The library was organized in 1953 on the basis of the city children's library and was located in the city gymnasium No. 1. By the decision of the Executive Committee of the Karaganda City Council of People's Deputies of March 23, 1954, the library was allocated a room along the ave. Bukhar zhyrau- 30, where it is located to this day.

In 1955, in the year of the 110th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, educator Abai Kunanbayev, the library was named after Abai.

The regional Children's Library named after Abai serves over 12 thousand readers a year, issues more than 240 thousand publications.

The library collection is 138390 copies.

Karaganda Regional Library for blind and visually impaired citizens

The Karaganda Regional Library for Blind and Visually impaired people was opened at the Karaganda City Department of Culture on the recommendation of the Ministry of Culture of the Kazakh SSR on October 30, 1969 to serve people with visual impairment.

Its first name is the city's special library for blind and visually impaired citizens. In January 1973, the library was renamed to the status of a regional library. By this time, the library's book collection had grown to 4 thousand copies of flat-printed literature and 10 thousand Braille book spines. 

Since 1974, mobile libraries have been organized. First two: in the cities of Saran and Balkhash. Over time, the regional library for the blind has the opportunity to serve blind readers with home and correspondence subscriptions. 

In 1994, the library moved to a new building – on Commune Street, 1. Since then, the library has been able to place its collections in a more spacious room.


A unique and unique fund for visually impaired people in the Karaganda region has been collected and carefully stored in the library. The fund presents books on various media: books with enlarged flat-print font, relief-graphic manuals, relief-dot Braille, audiobooks, tactile books. 

The total fund is more than 84,000 units of storage. The library serves about 5,000 users of the city and region.

The library has a typhlocenter to provide information support to library users, students, and visually impaired specialists.

Library fund - 84538 copies.