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/ Cultural heritage
/ Al-Farabi City Universal Scientific Library
Al-Farabi City Universal Scientific Library

At the end of 2013, the opening ceremony of the regional scientific universal library took place. Since January 2014, the library has opened its doors and started serving a wide readership.

From 2013 to 2017, the library functioned as a scientific and methodological center for a network of 424 libraries in the region. On June 20, 2018, a coworking center was opened in the library. In 2020, in honor of the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi's birth, at the suggestion of Farabi scholars, representatives of the intelligentsia, by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11/27/2020 No. 799, the library was named after Al-Farabi.


There are 423666 books in the library's Collection.

Of these, 152,802 are in the state language,

Printed publications - 115,861,

Electronic fund -6741.

The Rare Books Department opened in 2015.

Book collection - 5269 copies. 

The number of old books is 3997.  

"Kazynaly Ontustik" - 372. Autographed books - 243. Pocket books - 207. 

Books donated from the writer's personal library 

E. Turysova - 300,

Books donated from the writer's personal library 

M. Myrzakhmetova - 150.

The fund of the Rare Books department consists of eight collections. "Islamic World", "Local history literature", "Small books", "Literary heritage",

"1941-1945 - books published during the lifetime of the authors", "Autographs and manuscripts", "Encyclopedias and dictionaries". The largest of the collections, the multi-volume "Kazynaly Ontustik". 

The oldest is the book by the English writer Walter Scott "Red Gauntlet", published in 1824.

There are also: the book by Sadru Sharia Ubaidullah bin Masoud al Bukhari "Sharghi's Questions in the Madhhab of Abu Ali Imam "Hanafi", published in Arabic in 1860.

A collection of Hikmets in the Chagatai language by Sophie Allayar, published in 1899.

The fund contains a collection of encyclopedias in 82/86 copies/ volumes from the German publishers Efron-Brockhaus, published since the 1890s. 

Among the rare books is the Book by Abai Kunanbayev, published in Latin script in 1940.

Shymkent City Youth Library

Shymkent City Youth Library is a universal library. The library was organized in August 1978 on the basis of an order of the Regional Department of Culture and a letter from the Ministry of Culture dated December 23, 1977. Previously, the library occupied one small room in the basement of the regional Museum of Local Lore.

1980 - a new room was allocated in a five-storey residential building at 17 Kreger Street. 1981 - a solemn presentation of the youth library was held. The library has been located at this address for 19 years. During this time, the library has gained popularity, has become a cultural, educational, and information center for the youth of the city and the region

1998 - August. The library has moved to a two-storey building with an area of 656.4 square meters. meters. 2003 - a partnership agreement was signed with the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation Resource Center in Shymkent, a partnership agreement with the St. Petersburg Public Foundation for Culture and Education. The Foundation provided the library with textbooks.

176,656 /general fund/

144200/total books/

31868 /periodicals/

547 / electronic publications/

41/audio, video editions/

City Centralized Children's Library No. 5

In 1965, the city Children's Library No. 5 was opened in Shymkent. At first, the institution was named after the famous children's writer Arkady Gaidar.

In 1976, a centralized system of Shymkent children's libraries was established. In 1976, the city Children's Library No. 5 received the status of the central Gaidar City Children's Library and supervised the work of 11 children's libraries.

In 1985, the Central City Children's Library named after A. Gaidar was transferred to a new standard building.

In 2003, it became part of the centralized children's library system of the city of Shymkent.

In 2009, it was renamed into the state institution "Centralized Children's Library System of Shymkent city". The system includes the central city children's library and 9 library departments.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2013 No. 1110 "On changing the administrative boundaries of the city of Shymkent" in February 2014, 4 libraries were connected to the centralized children's library system of the city of Shymkent. Since November 2019, there are 14 library departments.

The total book fund is 417523

A special library for visually impaired and blind citizens of Shymkent

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of the Kazakh SSR dated February 12, 1969 No. 29 "On the opening of special libraries for the blind", a special library for blind and visually impaired citizens was opened on the basis of the regional communication center, contributing to the development of information exchange processes, cultural interaction, and the effective use of leisure time for the visually impaired. 

With the support of the Shymkent city Department of Culture, Language Development and Archives, on December 21, 2021, the library underwent a complete modernization and opened its doors to residents of the city.

Before the modernization, the library's book fund amounted to 141,805 units, 5,000 thousand readers, and now the number of library visitors has grown dramatically to 107,000, the book fund to 144,690, and the number of readers has reached 21,000. In addition, blind readers with the help of modern typhlotechnics began to get easy and fast access to all the information they need.

The library has become a cultural, educational and educational center, has fully mastered modern information and communication technologies, called on the collectives of universities, colleges, schools, kindergartens of the city to become readers of the library, a joint memorandum was signed.

Conditions have been created for scientific and technical research, information and presentation work has begun in an audio format on the library's life.

To date, the departments "Production of talking books" and "Production of Braille books" function in a special library for blind readers. In accordance with modern requirements, there is a "Computer class", which is aimed at mastering visually impaired children and adolescents with "computer literacy", introduces the work of various gadgets. In order to develop readers' creativity, broaden their horizons, develop art, and spiritually enrich people with special needs, various projects and clubs offer their services to them.

In addition, the modernized special library has a "Baby Books" hall for additional education and play recreation for children, recreation areas for listening to music, as well as a "stage" located in the cozy courtyard of the library in the summer, summer bookshelves, "swings" for adults and children, modern capsules and a children's room the playground. 

Creative corners for reading books in a modern interior, a "Conference room" equipped with the necessary equipment for large-scale, group, mass events of various directions, a cozy "Cafe-bar" where young people can receive the necessary information using social networks, there is also an "Interactive center" for joint scientific work, debates, discussions, meetings, talk shows, creative events.

The total fund is 145517 copies.

The special library is currently located at the address: Shymkent, Enbekshinsky district, Sh. Ualikhanov str. 213/6.

The City Universal Library named after A. Pushkin

The Pushkin City Universal Library was opened in 1899 on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the poet A. S. Pushkin.

The library belongs to one of the oldest libraries in Kazakhstan. The library turns 125 years old in 2024.

In 2022, the library was modernized in a modern style and reopened to the general public and residents of the city as a universal city library.

Today, the library is a cultural and educational center that provides library services to various categories of residents of Shymkent, effectively conducts leisure time for readers, and is a center of education, science, and culture.