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/ Cultural heritage
/ The unique document storage center is the Central State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation
The unique document storage center is the Central State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation

The question of the need for centralized state storage of scientific and technical documents arose in the early 60s of the last century.

The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 21, 1964, which set the task of systematic and purposeful acquisition of the State Archival Fund of the USSR with scientific and technical documentation , and, in this regard, the organization of the Central State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation of the USSR as its main storage facilities.

Only 10 years after the publication of this decree in our republic, in order to solve the problem of ensuring centralized accounting, storage and use of scientific and technical documentation reflecting the most valuable and latest achievements of the national economy, science and technology by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh The Central State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation of the Kazakh SSR (CGA NTD of the Kazakh SSR) was established on February 7, 1974.No. 50 The Main Archival Department under the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, which ensured the storage and use of documentation formed as a result of the activities of ministries, departments, industrial associations, research, design and technological organizations, as well as design bureaus, laboratories, departments of universities, higher educational institutions and other institutions.

Stages of formation

The process of formation and further work of the archive was not easy. At that time, there was practically no experience in working with scientific and technical documentation in the republic, there were no professionally trained archivists. That is why, during the organizational period, much attention was paid to the selection and placement of personnel, improving their theoretical and industrial qualifications.

The staff of the CGA NTD consisted of 23 employees. The work of the archive was carried out by 2 departments: the department of departmental archives, acquisition and examination of documents and the department of use, accounting and scientific reference apparatus. In addition, a group was formed to ensure the safety of documentary materials.

The identification of the source institutions for the acquisition of the Central State Administration of the STD of the Kazakh SSR was carried out at the second stage of the archive's work. The list of sources for completing the archive included a list of organizations and institutions that create scientific and technical documentation, which, after the expiration of the terms of departmental storage, should be transferred to the state archive for storage.

In 1974, under the leadership of the first director of the Central State Administration of the Kazakh SSR, Oleinikova P.V., the first archive structure and methodology for working with scientific and technical documentation were developed.

Pavlina Vasilyevna recalls: "I had a little experience working with scientific and technical documentation. And we got to work. The complexity and volume of this work was not yet known to us at first, but when we came close to organizing this work, to studying the documentation, we felt how much work needed to be done. Having familiarized ourselves with the relevant literature in the libraries of the city and institutes, we began to study scientific and technical documentation in the main institutions, that is, in institutes, branches and enterprises located in Alma-Ata. The documents were studied locally in technical archives, and we were assisted by qualified specialists from the institutes. The solution to the issue of conducting an examination of the value and selection for state storage of this category of documents in institutions has been overdue for a long time. Therefore, the heads of institutes and specialists saw us as assistants and were happy to provide us with the necessary assistance"

At the third stage of the work, it was supposed to proceed directly to completing the archive with scientific and technical documentation. But here archivists faced a new problem: regulatory documents on working with scientific and technical documentation had not yet been developed, and there was no necessary practice of working with such documents.

In March 1974, an expert verification commission was established in the archive and its composition was approved. It was these specialists who had a difficult mission to consider and develop scientific and methodological issues of conducting an examination of the scientific and practical value of documents, completing the archive, organizing office work and document management in institutions and enterprises that transfer their documents for state storage to the Central State Administration of the STD of the Kazakh SSR.

In the same year, the first methodological manuals were developed and approved, which were necessary in the daily work of the archive: "A methodological guide for inspectors on the inspection of departmental archives", "A manual on compiling an inventory for the collection "Thermal networks of cities of Kazakhstan and the republics of Central Asia", and a "Scheme for systematization of design and survey documentation" for the "List of objects of the Kazgiprovodkhoz Institute" has been prepared.

The archive staff carried out purposeful work on the organization of selection and acceptance of scientific and technical documentation for state storage. The institutions and organizations of republican and union subordination located on the territory of Kazakhstan and creating scientific and technical documentation were studied, the analysis of the historical and scientific and practical significance of the documents created by them was carried out, connections with departmental and technical archives were established, contacts with specialists in the field of science and technology were established.

State storage and examination

In the course of the activities of research, design, engineering and technological organizations, a large array of scientific and technical documentation has been formed. In this regard, work was carried out to study the composition and content of the documentation of specialized institutions in order to make a decision on their inclusion in the list of sources for completing the archive. One of the main conditions for completing the state archive with full-fledged scientific and technical documentation complexes was the compilation of lists of projects to be transferred to state storage.

The completion of the archive with scientific and technical documentation began in 1975. It includes research institutes of a construction profile, branches and departments of design and technological institutes, design bureaus.

Thanks to the perseverance of employees who stood at the origins of the creation of a unique archive of scientific and technical documentation Shakeeva Sonya Akhmetovna, Radionova Galina Panteleevna, Volgutskova Irina Ivanovna, Shalganova Svetlana Evgenievna, Valieva Rakhima Kazikhanovna, Provodnikova Tamara Mikhailovna, by the end of 1975 95 institutions creating NTDs were included in the list of basic accounting (52 of them - according to to the city), and for the first time in the history of the republic, 5 thousand cases of project documentation were accepted for state storage .

The ordering of scientific and technical documentation was a rather difficult area in the work of the archive. One of the reasons is the large and diverse species composition of NTDs, which dictates appropriate different approaches to solving issues of their ordering and preparation for transfer to permanent storage. This work was carried out mainly by the forces of the self-supporting unit of the Central State Administration of the STD of the Kazakh SSR.

As a result of the entire complex of preparatory work in the first two years, an examination of the value of 70 thousand cases was carried out, 10 thousand of them were processed and transferred to state custody. At the same time, documents related to the profile of the CGA NTD were received from the state archives.

Thus, the Central State Archive of the Kazakh SSR transferred 10 funds, 936 units of xp. In 1975. documents from the State Archive of the Orenburg region on the design of facilities of the Orenburg railway passing through the territory of Kazakhstan were transferred.

At the same time, among the first documents were accepted for state storage by the Central Asian branch of the All-Union Design Institute for Resort Design (Soyuzkurortproekt) of the Central Council for the Management of Trade Union Resorts, the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union State Design Institute for the Design of Sanitary Devices and Installations (Santehproekt) of the USSR State Construction, The State Research and Design Institute for the Enrichment of Non-ferrous Metal Ores (Kazmehanobr) of the Glavtsvetmetniiproject of the Ministry of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR and some others.

One of the first organizations that transferred documents for state storage to the CGA NTD were: Kazakh branch of the Institute "VNIPIenergoprom", institutes "Kazmehanobr", "Grazhdanselproekt", "Giproniihimmash". 

Kazgorstroyproekt Institute handed over the first sets of documents on civil engineering. Among them are the buildings of the hotel "Kazakhstan", the House of Pioneers, the Central Department Store, the Kazakh Drama Theater in Alma-Ata.

The Kazgiprotorg Institute has transferred sets of documents on the design and construction of the Wedding Palace, the Alma-Ata restaurant, and the Detsky Mir store.